Matt-Gerry_webThe only way to get better on the guitar is to practice. One advantage to having students play guitar in school is that there is a set time built into their schedule for playing guitar every day. As their instructor though, I am wanting more. I want to take these students to places that will make them better than average guitar players, and the only way I can accomplish that is for my students to put in extra practice time outside of the school day.

So here is the music teacher debate. Do I have my students fill out practice sheets, or just trust that they will practice on their own?

DEBATE #1 “Playing” or “Practicing”
-I’ve heard many music teachers do not require their students to “practice” at all. They call it “playing”. Their argument is that guitar should never be something you feel like you have to practice, that it should instead be something you want to play. That sounds great to me, but I can tell you if I don’t practice my guitar riffs before I get up in front of my church to play in my church’s praise band, it’s not a pretty thing. I love to PLAY my guitar, but if I don’t PRACTICE that playing has no direction. Where do you stand? Sound off in the comments before – Play or Practice?

DEBATE #2 Signed Practice Sheets
-I have tried (and mostly failed) to require signed practice sheets weekly. I say failed because my “turn-in” rate is awful! So I am asking myself (and you other guitar teachers reading this), WHY am I asking for signed practice sheets? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

So where do you land on the signed practice sheet debate? What has worked for you, or have you given up?

Looking forward to seeing how your class practices …or should I say plays?